The oxidized layer on a silver piece will not last forever. I’m experimenting with different ways to make the oxide stay on for as long as possible, but wear and tear will eventually reveal the silver underneath on the elevated parts while the oxide will stay in the submerged parts. I think this gives a nice distressed look, a bit like a worn leather jacket.
However if you prefer to have your jewlery black again it's very easy to re-oxodize it using liver of sulphur (LOS).
Directions for use:
The LOS gel is very concentrated, the recommendation from the manufacturer is to dilute it 1/23, so just cover the piece in warm (about 60 degrees Celsius) water and put in a tiny amount. Give it a stir so it mixes with the water and leave the piece in for 30 sec- 2 minutes. Then rinse well in cold water and leave to dry on a paper towel. Afterwards you can put a small amount of coconut oil or other fat to make the color a bit deeper and more durable.
Please note that leaving the piece in for longer or using a stronger solution won´t produce a better result, on the contrary if the layer of oxide gets to thick it will flake off.
If gel comes in contact with skin wash with water.
Eye: flush with water
Swallowed: give water/milk and induce vomiting
LOS is biodegradable, put the mixture in a glass jar in direct sunlight, when the solution is colorless you can safely pour it out in the sink.
The little jar with LOS should be stored in dark place.
The listing is for the little jar of 3ml, the bottle in the picture is just there so you can see what brand it is in case you would like to look for more information.